What You'll Need:
4 lemons zested and juiced

1 1/2 cups sugar
1/4 pound unsalted butter, room temp
4 extra-large eggs
1 cup flour
4 tbsp. butter, cold
water as needed
3 egg whites
3 tbsp. sugar
What To Do:
1. With the lemon zest, finely mince it and mix well into the sugar.
2. Cream the butter and sugar mixture and add the eggs one at a time, continuing to mix after each addition.
3. Add the lemon juice and mix well.
4. Transfer the mixture to a saucepan and cook while stirring every now and then on low heat until thick, about 8 minutes.
5. Refrigerate until cool.
1. With the flour, cut in the butter using your hands making the butter dime-sized pieces.
2. Add water a tablespoon at a time, you're trying to reach a good pie dough consistency, not sticky.
3. Roll or flatten out to about 1/8 of an inch thick and bake on a sheet pan at 350°F until golden brown. It doesn't have to be pretty it's going to get broken up into pieces anyway.
1. Place the crushed pie crust into a shot glass about 1/3 of the way up.
2. Pipe some lemon curd the other 2/3 of the glass.
1. With the eggs whites, whip until extremely foamy, you shouldn't have big bubbles, it should be fluffy and white.
2. Add the sugar one table spoon at a time and continue mixing until full peak.
3. Pipe this meringue on top on the shot glass and torch it until a nice brown color appears.